Public Notices 01-09-25

January 07, 2025

Whereas, on 8/24/2020, Lauren D'Ashay Adams, a single woman, executed a 
certain deed of trust to Silver Leaf Title Insurance Agency, Trustee for 
the benefit of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as 
Beneficiary, as nominee for Cardinal Financial Company, Limited 
Partnership, its successors and assigns, which Deed of Trust is of 
record in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Franklin County, State of 
Mississippi as Instrument No. 69825, and in Book 0331, Page 511; and
Whereas, said Deed of Trust was transferred and assigned Freedom 
Mortgage Corporation and recorded 8/26/2024 as Instrument No. 77095, and 
in Book DOT 2024, Page 4359; and
Whereas, Freedom Mortgage Corporation has heretofore substituted Nestor 
Solutions, LLC, as Trustee by Instrument recorded on 11/19/2024 in the 
aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Office as Instrument No. 77531, and in Deed 
Book 2024, Page 6773 and
Whereas, default having been made in the terms and conditions of said 
Deed of Trust and the entire debt secured thereby having been declared 
to be due and payable in accordance with the terms of said Deed of 
Trust, Freedom Mortgage Corporation, the legal holder of said 
indebtedness, having requested the undersigned Substituted Trustee to 
execute the trust and sell said land and property in accordance with the 
terms of said Deed of Trust and for the purpose of raising the sums due 
thereunder, together with attorney's fees, trustee's fees and expense of 
Now, Therefore, Nestor Solutions, LLC, Substituted Trustee in said Deed 
of Trust, will on 1/16/2025 offer for sale at public outcry and sell 
within legal hours (being between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 
p.m.), at the County Courthouse of Franklin County, Mississippi, located 
at Franklin County Courthouse, 36 Main Street E., Meadville, MS 39653, 
to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described property 
situated in Franklin County, State of Mississippi, to-wit:
Parcel One Section 20, Township 6 North, Range 4 East, Village Of Monroe 
A parcel of land in the Village of Monroe, Section 20, T6N, R4E, 
described as follows, to-wit:
Commence at an old iron pin marking the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 
3, Village of Monroe; thence North 31 degrees 35' West 191.7 feet; 
thence North 58 degrees 25' East 51.6 feet to an iron pin on the East 
right-of-way of Main Street as presently located, said iron pin being 
the point of beginning of the herein conveyed lands; thence North 31 
degrees 35' West 123.4 feet to a 20" Water Oak tree, said tree being on 
the South line of an unnamed street in the Village of Monroe; thence, 
with the South line of street, North 55 degrees 14' East 110.8 feet to 
an iron pin; thence, with old fence line, South 34 degrees 14' East 
126.5 feet to an iron pin at a fence corner; thence, with fence, marking 
the North line of the property of Mike Priest as shown in Deed Book W-6, 
at Page 425, South 56 degrees 38' West 116.0 feet to the point of 
beginning and being a part of the property conveyed to Oliver Jones by 
E. B. Arnold, et al, by warranty deed dated April 19, 1933, and recorded 
in Deed Book R-3, at page 204, and being a part of Block 2, a part of 
unused portion of Main Street and a part of unopened Orchard Street as 
shown on plat of the Village of Monroe , and being 0.33 acre, more or 
less, in Section 20, Township 6 North, Range 4 East, Washington, 
Meridian, Franklin County, Mississippi. The above described property 
being the same lands as shown on the map or plat of survey of R.H. 
Posey, Registered Land Surveyor, dated September 23, 1985, which is 
incorporated herein by reference. Parcel Two Section 20, Township 6 
North, Range 4 East, Village Of Monroe Commence at an old iron pipe 
marking the South East corner of Lot 1, Block 3, Village of Monroe; 
thence North 31deg 35' East 191.7 feet; thence North 58deg 25' East 69.0 
feet to an iron pin marking the South West corner of the O. C. Jones 
house lot; thence, with a fence on the South line of said house lot, 
North 56deg 38' East 116.0 feet to a fence post and an iron pin, said 
iron pin being the point of beginning of the herein conveyed lands; 
thence, with an old fence line on the East being the O. C. Jones house 
lot, North 35deg 44' West 126.5 feet to an iron pin on the South side of 
an unnamed street; thence, with South side of street, North 55deg 14' 
East 116.2 feet to an iron pin; thence, with the remains of an old fence 
line making the West line of the property conveyed to O. C. Jones, by 
deed of record in Book L-3 at page 287, 32deg 22' East, 129.0 feet to an 
iron pin; thence, South 56deg 38' West, 108.1 feet to the point of 
beginning, being a part of Block No. 2 and part of unopened Orchard 
Street as shown on a plot of the Village of Monroe, and being 0.33 
acres, more or less, in Section 20, Township 6 North, Range 4 East, 
Washington Meridian, Franklin County, Mississippi.
We Will Convey only such title as vested in us as Substituted Trustee. 
Witness My Signature on this 12th day of December, 2024.
/s/ Sylvia Weiss,
its Sr. Trustee Sale Officer
Nestor Solutions, LLC,
Substituted Trustee
214 5th Street,
Suite 205,
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
TS #2024-11209-MS
Publication Dates: Dec. 19 & Dec. 26, 2024 & Jan. 2, & Jan. 9, 2025
CAUSE NO. 19-2024-pr-128-WS
TO: The Unknown Heirs at Law of Yvonne Briggs Calcote, Deceased, or 
Other Unknown Interested Parties
You have been made a Defendant in the Complaint for Determination of 
Heirship, by Plaintiffs Teener Annette Calcote, Treston LaCraig Moore 
and Cameron Briggs Calcote, seeking a Determination of Heirship of 
Yvonne Briggs Calcote, deceased. 
You are summoned to appear and defend against said complaint filed 
against you in this action at 10:30 A.M. on the 4th day of February, 
2025, in the courtroom of the Franklin County Courthouse at Meadville, 
Mississippi, and in case of your failure to appear and defend, a 
judgment will be entered against you for the money or other things 
demanded in complaint.
You are not required to file an answer or other pleading but you may do 
so if you desire.
Issued under my hand and seal of this Court, this 19th day of December, 
BY: Tayler Smith,
85 Main Street West
Post Office Box 650
Meadville, Mississippi 39653
Telephone: (601) 384-2100
Facsimile: (601) 384-2121
Publish: Dec. 26, 2024, Jan. 2 & Jan. 9, 2025
State of Mississippi
Mississippi Community College Board
Office of Adult Education
FY 2026-2030 Competitive Grant Application for
Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)
(WIOA, Sec. 231, Sec. 225 and Sec. 243)
The State of Mississippi is seeking proposals to provide adult education 
and literacy programs, activities and services, including Integrated 
Education & Training Programs, which will improve adult education and 
literacy in Mississippi.
A Virtual Bidders' Conference will be held on Friday, February 14, 
2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. A copy of the Request for Proposal 
(RFP), the Question & Answer Summary the bidders' conference link, and 
all amendments related to this RFP can be obtained at the following 
Grant Opportunities | Mississippi Community College Board
Application Information and Resources
The Office of Adult Education is pleased to announce its multiyear grand 
competition has been awarded to eligible providers through June 30, 
Proposals must be submitted no later than 4:00 p.m., local time on March 
31, 2025. Applicants must submit three (3) complete copies of the RFP 
* One (1) electronic copy emailed in PDF format to
* Two (2) paper copies bearing original signatures in BLUE INK
Mail Paper Copies to: the Mississippi Community College Board
Office of Adult Education
Attn: Nikitna Barnes
3825 Ridgewood Road
Jackson, MS 39211
Proposals not submitted to the Mississippi Community College Board, 
Office of Adult Education by the aforementioned deadline will not be 
considered for contract award.
Publish: Jan. 9, 2025